Reaching beyond our village
Since the inception in 2014 of CIEL 98.7 FM, our Jacob’s Well radio station, we have broadcast on air 7 days a week and 24 hours a day Christian music and preaching from churches and pastors in the Limbe area and from our church in Port-Au-Prince . Radio is one of the most effective ways to reach people with the gospel. Our radio program is reaching people from all walks of life. Haitians like to start their day in prayer. Each morning from 5:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m. we present a devotional broadcasting called Abundant Living. We have a prayer time at noon. This is probably the most popular program from our radio. Testimonies come every day as people are being blessed and some healed from diseases. For 30 minutes, we lead people in prayer and a short meditation.
A sustainable future
Northern Haiti is probably one of the most fertile land areas in the entire country. Currently, people abandon their properties to go and live in the cities or move overseas. Our goal is to use the land at Jacob’s Well to encourage the village people to produce food for themselves so they can support themselves and also provide the local market the produce that is needed to feed the population. Currently, we have approximately 5,000 mango trees, 4,000 pineapples, 1,000 cocoa trees and other fruits and vegetables growing. Jacob’s Well ministry would like to invest further in agricultural production to include coffee. As we develop the agriculture on our property, we will provide a developmental model for people to follow, create jobs, save the environment and bring hope to people so they can stay in their village.
Our developing ministry in sport camp is designed to teach soccer, basketball, volleyball and tennis to youth, and to develop coaches and referees. We hope that the sport program will be a gateway to economic opportunities for the younger generation. Our goal is to build two soccer fields, and one court that will serve basketball, volleyball and tennis. Haitian youth have great sportive capacity, but there are few structures in place in the country to help develop their talents
Investing in Haiti’s future
Haiti’s future is its people. More than half of the population is under 25 years old. Targeting families and investing in the younger generation is the most strategic way to shape the nation’s future. We are located on about 100 acres of good land with mountains and beautiful plains for people to experience God, enjoy nature and develop friendships. We partner with camps and churches in US to help with Vacation Bible School, Sports, Children and Youth Camps.