The Valcin’s personal financial support as well as ministry project fundraising is coordinated through CTEN – Commission to Every Nation.
There are several convenient ways to make financial contributions.
These instructions are for US donors. Donations made from Canada are handled differently (please contact CTEN donor staff for details).
For a donation by check: make the check payable to Commission to Every Nation (or “CTEN”). Please leave the memo line blank on the check but enclose the check with a note that indicates that your donation is for Gersan and Betty Valcin’s Haiti ministry. Request that code “VALCCAMP” be applied if your donation is for the development and maintenance of Jacob’s Well camp.
Donation should be mailed to:
Commission to Every Nation
PO Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
For donation by credit card or automatic bank draft:
Call CTEN at 800-872-5404. Normal office hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. (CT)
To give online:
Go to www.cten.org Click on the donations page, and in the Missionary Support box enter the name Valcin.
Follow the prompts to complete the donation transaction